See if you qualify to enroll in health coverage now. The application is available daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.


See if you qualify to enroll in health coverage now. The application is available daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Preventive Services

Under the law, all health plans must cover certain preventive health services, routine health care that includes screenings, checkups, and patient counseling to prevent illnesses, disease or other health problems.

Primary Care Physician

A physician (M.D.–Medical Doctor or D.O.–Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) who directly provides or coordinates a range of health care services for a patient.

Primary Care Provider

A physician (M.D.–Medical Doctor or D.O.–Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist or physician assistant, as allowed under state law, who provides, coordinates or helps a patient access


A physician (M.D.–Medical Doctor or D.O.–Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), health care professional or health care facility licensed, certified or accredited as required by state law.

Provider Category

The category listed is the medical specialty for the health care practitioner, such as internal medicine or neurology.

Qualified Health Plan (QHPs)

A QHP is an insurance plan that is certified by Maryland Health Connection. It provides essential health benefits and follows established limits on cost sharing.

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