See if you qualify to enroll in health coverage now. The application is available daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.


See if you qualify to enroll in health coverage now. The application is available daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.


Generally, your household includes the people you put on your tax form: you, your spouse, and any children or relatives you financially support. When filling out your application, do include:

Immigration Status

The following immigration statuses are eligible to enroll in a private health plan: Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) who entered the U.S. after August 22, 1996 Often called green-card holders. Applicant

In-network Coinsurance

The percent you pay of the allowed amount for covered health care services to providers who contract with your health insurance or plan. For example, 20%. In-network coinsurance usually costs

In-network Copayment

A fixed amount you pay for covered health care services to providers who contract with your health insurance or plan, for example, $15. In-network copayments usually are less than out-of-network

Income Level

amount of money your household reports that is used to determine what type of financial assistance you may qualify for, such as reduced insurance premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs for

Insurance Company

Insurance companies package and sell insurance plans on the marketplace. One insurance company may offer several different plans with unique costs and benefits.

Integrated Delivery System (IDS)

IDS health insurance plans have many things in common with HMO plans. IDS plans require that you select a primary care provider to coordinate your care, do not cover services

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