See if you qualify to enroll in health coverage now. The application is available daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
See if you qualify to enroll in health coverage now. The application is available daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Maryland Health Connection communicates and connects through many different social media websites and platforms. The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE), as the public corporation and independent unit of State government responsible for the development and operation of Maryland Health Connection, has implemented this Social Media Policy, Guidelines and Consent to Use. All communications from Maryland Health Connection and on Maryland Health Connection-branded platforms within social media websites must follow these guidelines to create a productive and engaging dialogue. Maryland Health Connection encourages dialogue from all Marylanders about the health insurance marketplace for Marylanders to explore, compare and enroll in private and public health insurance plans, as well as about other relevant topics including, but not limited to the importance of health insurance, health and financial literacy.
These guidelines pertain to Maryland Health Connection--branded platforms within certain social media websites. The term “Maryland Health Connection-branded platforms” encompasses those branded as “MarylandConnect”. Such platforms include, but are not limited to:
B. Guidelines
By using Maryland Health Connection or MarylandConnect-branded platforms within social media websites, you agree that the information you post may be repurposed for certain uses by Maryland Health Connection, as further explained below. As a condition of use, you also agree with the following statements:
Maryland Health Connection reserves the right to moderate and/or delete comments if they:
Maryland Health Connection reserves the right to delete any comment, and/or ban any user, at any time and for any reason, including, without limitation, those who are repeat offenders of violating this policy. Maryland Health Connection reserves the right to modify or change these guidelines without notice.
C. Consent to Use of Information
By using Maryland Health Connection-branded platforms within social media websites, you agree that any comments or other information you post publicly may be repurposed for use by Maryland Health Connection. For example, Maryland Health Connection may use such comments, without limitation, to repurpose and share throughout the different Maryland Health Connection social platforms.
Maryland Health Connection does not post sensitive information, such as consumers' personally identifiable or federal tax information, in any public manner, such as via social media, networking or its public website, If Maryland Health Connection decides to use your content across our social media platforms, we will not include any personally identifiable information such as your name, age, likeness or other personally identifying characteristics without your express permission. Maryland Health Connection will notify you via social media if we plan to use any content (comments, photos, videos, etc.) you have shared on our social media platforms. If you choose to allow Maryland Health Connection to publicize your testimonial and use your name, Maryland Health Connection will obtain your signed consent prior to posting the testimonial.
If you have comments or other questions that are not answered here, please contact us. Maryland Health Connection looks forward to hosting and engaging in a productive dialogue with all Marylanders on Maryland Health Connection-branded social media websites.